Billing Tools

The Billing Tools module allows you to manage your billings from one central grid.



Menu Options





Menu Option


File - Print/Print Preview

Print the selected billing invoice.  Click Print Preview to view this invoice on your screen.

File - Send E-Bill to Client

Send the e-bill to the client for the selected billing.  This is how you can manually send an e-bill if necessary.

File - Exit

Exit the billing tools module.

Edit - Select All

Select all of the search results.  This is used to select all of the bills that match a certain search criteria, for batch printing/exporting.

Edit - Lock/Close/ Export Selected

Lock/Close/Export the selected billing(s).  The close feature is used to close a consolidated billing.  If you choose export, you will have to choose your accounting software from the listing (ex. Quickbooks)

View - Refresh

Refresh the displayed listing based to the latest search criteria.

Tools - ABI Messages

Open the ABI message window.  Use this option to check the ABI status of ABI messages associated to a transaction.

Tools - Auditing

Flag the selected bill(s) as audited using the “mark as audited” feature.  You can also clear the audited flag by selecting “clear audited flag”.



Billing Tools Grid




Basic Search/ Advanced Search

Choose the appropriate tab to create a new search.  

Save Search

Save the selected search.  This will convert an advanced search into a basic search.


Refresh the displayed listing based to the latest search criteria.


Open the grid options screen.


Open the notes screen for the selected record.


Export the selected search results to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.   You can highlight multiple files for batch exporting and printing as well.


Select/Open the selected billing.


Cancel saved changes and return to the main screen.