

When you're ready to transmit your ISF, click on the Transmit button.  When transmitting an update to an existing ISF, you use this same process and the update will automatically be sent as a "replace" rather than an "add"




If you have a full transmission (with complete and specific data) you choose the default (CT- Compliant Transaction).  If you are utilizing the CBP flexibility for range or timing, you would choose the appropriate reason.  


-Manufacturer Name & Address

-Ship to Party Name & Address

-Country of Origin

-Commodity HTS #


-Container Stuffing Location Name & Address

-Consolidator (stuffer)


Full data (Compliant Transaction) is required no later than 24 hours prior to arrival of the vessel.



Transmission History Screen


The CustomsNow ISF application features a comprehensive transmission history page, which allows users to easily review and analyze transmission data, presented side by side with any additional notations that may apply to the current/selected ISF file.






Notes in History

CustomsNow ISF has integrated the ISF notes section with the transmission history so that users can track their actions/notes within the transmission history.