Upcoming CustomsNow ISF Updates
We will be performing updates weekly until the application reaches it's complete form. Below is a listing of the major updates scheduled for a future release of the application. Please watch the Change Log to see when updates are made to CustomsNow ISF.
Recent Updates:
Complete notify party support has been enabled (at the ISF and profile level)
EDI in and out
Profile and Party delete/enable/disable functions added
Auto-formatting for HTS, Importer numbers, etc. (with auto validation)
Ability to access parties from the profile screen and the profiles grid
Updates planned for May/June 2009:
Two-way CustomsNow ABI integration
Excel import for products
Advanced password controls
Complete help integration
Profile bond integration
Advanced tariff research control
Other future updates/features/functions:
Default ISF templates per client profile
ISF Wizards
Bulk Line importing from Excel
Profiles EDI (in and out)
Products EDI (in and out)