Completing an AMS Transaction

Saving & Transmitting an AMS

When your AMS is complete and ready to be transmitted, use the following steps to save and transmit your manifest:










AMS Transmissions

There are multiple transmission types that can be performed in the AMS module.  In addition to the Full AMS transmission, your AMS can be updated/changed electronically using these transmissions.  The existing information entered in your AMS will transmit in the appropriate fields, based on the type of transmission that you choose.




Full AMS

This will transmit the full AMS transmission.  This is used initially to put your AMS on file.  You must have an accepted AMS response from this Full AMS transmission before you will be able to transmit any of the other AMS transmissions.

AMS In-Bond & Conveyance Arrival Message

This transmission may be used to arrive, depart, or export all in bond movements in intermediate/destination ports, depart vessels from a foreign port/arrive vessels in discharge ports, and transfer in bond liability.  This is most commonly done through the in-bond module (Controlling an In-Bond) or through the eManifest software (if the bond is prepared in the ABI software).

Permit to Transfer

Use this option to transmit an electronic request for permit to transfer.  This allows you to electronically gain authorization for movements within a port.  Simply make the necessary changes to the location of the goods on the  bill of lading (FIRMS) and transmit to electronically update this AMS to display the correct location of the goods.

Equipment Inventory

The Equipment Inventory transaction is used to report a listing of all empty equipment (containers, chassis) imported aboard an ocean conveyance, as well as empty containers loaded at domestic ports and carried coast wide for discharge at other U.S. ports. This record is used to transmit the empty container/equipment and seal numbers.  Complete the information on the AMS Equipment Inventory Tab and then transmit.

General Order Status

Use this option to transmit an electronic General Order Status update.  At the expiration of the layorder period, you will receive a bill of lading status notification message (R01, R02) from AMS identifying items eligible for General Order.  You can use this General Order Status transmission to request an extension of the layorder period, if necessary.  You will receive an advisory (in the worksheet tab) 2 days prior to the expiration of the layorder.