There are a few additional steps that you must complete when filing entries remotely. These steps are required by Customs for RLF entries.
Entry Type – Remote location filing is only permitted for entry type 01 or 11
Certify Release from Entry Summary by checking the appropriate checkbox on the release/entry editor screen.
Check the Electronic Invoice Indicator checkbox to indicate that this entry will use the Automatic Invoice Interface for Electronic Invoice Processing.
Check the Summary Certification checkbox, which is located at the bottom of the release/entry editor screen.
You must enter the AII Verification information for each line on an entry. You also must enter the invoice by request ruling information to use the INVREQ feature.
Add/Edit an invoice line (AII) to a line item using the AII Invoice Line Screen
To use the Invoice by Request feature, you must enter the Ruling information on each line
For more information on this feature, please view the information provided on the CBP website:
Support staff can set your system to automatically flag your RLF entries for INVREQ
Once you begin to file entries remotely, you must also become familiar with the Automated Invoice Interface (AII).