This manual is organized mainly into the different modules available in your system. To see specific instructions for the modules, click the links below:
Please click the links to view manual sections:
Getting Started – Starting up and getting assistance
ABI Module – Generate customs queries, manage ACH transactions (statements), and other ABI functions
AES/Exports – Create Automated Export (SED) transactions
AMS Ocean – Create Ocean manifest filings
Billing – Guide to the billing functions
FDA Prior Notice - Create stand-alone prior notice transactions
In-bond – Create and manage CF-7512 in-bond transactions
Management – Manage user access options
Profiles - Create your database for customers, products, and associated transaction parties
Protest – Create electronic protests
Reports – Create and run ADHOC system reports
RLF & AII – Additional steps necessary to create RLF & AII transactions
System Administration – Manage your system options/settings
Tariff Picker – Guide to using the Tariff Picker tool
Transactions - Create and manage entries and billings, including CF-3461 & CF-7501