Drawback Filing
Start looking forward to drawback.
Now is the time, and this is the solution. The CustomsNow™ ACE Drawback solution enables you to file for 99% duty refunds fearlessly and electronically.
Get your right to a Custom’s duty refund without a fight.
Drawback duties are a refund of duties an importer paid on goods brought into the U.S. that were subsequently exported or destroyed. It’s your money, and CustomsNow is designed to enable you to do everything you need to do to get it: fill out forms, find the documentation and file.
Duty drawback claims can only be filed electronically through ACE.
Our solution has been certified by CBP. Comply with the electronic drawback filing mandate and fly through the process using CustomsNow’s user-friendly features.
We’re making duty refunds well-worth the effort with flat-fee pricing.
With the recent tariffs on Chinese imports, companies could be looking at bigger duty drawbacks than ever. We’ve developed a solution that removes the hoops to payouts big and small. We’re helping make duty drawbacks always worth the minimal effort with our per-transaction pricing.
You don’t have to be a drawback expert to file.
Our solution, created with CustomsNow’s characteristic ease, gives you the capabilities you need. Our drawback solution helps facilitate the detailed work of referring back to original entries and proving that items were exported. With the system, you can leverage the ACE portal for records and easily import spreadsheets and the data sets that you need.
Enhance your brokerage service or self-filing capabilities with duty drawback.
The CustomsNow Drawback solution enables brokers to provide a profitable high-demand filing. For importers, it means drawing back the full refund without paying heavy fees to a specialist—and controlling the process the whole way.
Easy to integrate—and also available separate drawback module.
Our drawback tool is available bundled with CustomsNow ABI software or as a separate solution. Talk to us about your needs, and we’ll demonstrate how it it integrates with your system. Like our other solutions, CustomsNow Drawback is designed for seamless workflows that save time while supporting accuracy.
Meet with a CustomsNow consultant to explore your compliance practices and how our best-in-class software and services can help you do what you do better.