In-bond Entry
Discover the in-bond entry solution that puts you in control to easily move and manage your bonded cargo.
With the CustomsNow™ In-bond Entry Solution, combined with our ACE Cargo Query System you can create, update, or even arrive in-bond entries.
Streamline your in-bond entries.
This is the solution that brings it all together. Instant visibility to the status of an in-bond provides peace of mind. Inspired functionality enables an efficient workflow that saves time and reduces risk for everyone.
When everyone is in the loop of an in-bond’s status, efficiency happens.
Any Customs broker, bonded carrier or importer with a filer code, SCAC carrier code or importer number (EIN number) can submit and update an in-bond entry electronically with the app. Plus, any party with access to the in-bond number can gain visibility to the status notifications, regardless of whether they were the original filer. In-bond status notifications such as “Accepted” to allow for movement, “Arrived” when it reaches the final port of clearance or export, and “Exported” once the in-bond shipment has left the U.S.
Create an I.T., I.E. or T&E ASAP.
In-bond Filers, can quickly create an Immediate Transportation (I.T. or entry type 61), Transportation and Exportation (T&E or entry type 62), or Immediate Exportation (I.E. or entry type 63) with CustomsNow™. The in-bond is transmitted to Custom’s QP/WP in-bond system via ABI. Electronic approval is received within seconds, and filers can track and update in-bond’s movement and closing through CBP status messages.
Knowing in-bond status with certainty saves time and money.
With our In-Bond Entry Solution, truckers and warehouses can easily run an ACE query to confirm the current status of any in-bond. Outstanding visibility enables warehouses to efficiently manage space and saves truckers from waiting to pick up because an in-bond is not accepted or on file. Query results can be used as proof of Customs release to release the carrier’s or warehouse’s bond.
Reduce risk of penalty through timely in-bond close-outs.
Avoid penalties and put your mind at ease by electronically “receiving” in-bonds with the CustomsNow ABI system. This means companies who are the recipients of cargo sent in-bond, or whose bond may have been obligated in an in-bond movement, can know clearly and decisively that their in-bond has been closed out with CBP and they are released from liability on their bond.
Easy, intuitive in-bond filing functionality keeps you in the zone.
The CustomsNow In-Bond process flow guides users through every step and every field. Our online 24/7 help center and licensed support staff ensure an easy user experience.
Our ABI software is in-sync with your needs on the administrative side.
Our SaaS and web-based delivery model relieves you of software installs, updates and service. Simple pricing structure allows unlimited users while relieving you of annual or monthly maintenance fees.
See the CustomsNow™ In-Bond Entry solution in action.
Meet with a CustomsNow consultant to explore your compliance practices and how our best-in-class software and services can help you do what you do better.