Category: General

Changes ahead for 2018: Reconciliation Entries and ACE Transitioning

With the processing of reconciliation entries transitioning to ACE on February 24, 2018, we wanted to let our readers understand the practical results.  For instance: ACE will be the sole mechanism to file Reconciliation entries (even if the underlying entries [...]

Advanced Screening for Air Freight to Continue

On July 24th, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) published a Federal Register notice announcing an extension of the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) pilot program which was due to expire on July 26, 2017. The program has been extended [...]

2017 CBP East Coast Trade Symposium Registration Open Now

CBP East Coast Symposium has been announced.  CBP announced this year’s east coast symposium will be in Atlanta, GA, December 5th & 6th 2017. What’s on the agenda? Section 321, also known as the De Minimis shipments is the hot [...]

NAFTA Shakeup Could Impact US Auto Industry

President Trumps proposed changes include requiring that vehicles have 85% NAFTA-sourced parts is under discussion, but talks are going slow. Mexico and Canada are the naysayers that are so far are unwilling to yield, but talks are expected to last [...]

Updates to ACE Export Manifest Implementation Guides Now Available

The US Customs and Border Protection has announced changes and updates on Implementation Guides. This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Customs Manifest Transaction Set (309) for use within the context of an Electronic [...]

CSMS# 17-000621 – ALL In-bonds must be filed electronically, effective Nov. 27th, 2017!

Attention Carriers!  New CBP Requirement:  ALL In-bonds must be filed electronically, effective Nov. 27th, 2017! As initially announced by CBP in CSMS# 17-000621 “Publication of an FRN Concerning Changes to the In-Bond Process”, and the Federal Register Notice dated September 28th, effective [...]

Our “Thanks” to CBP and everyone who is contributing to the Texas recovery!

  Thank you to the many men, women, companies and government agencies who are contributing in so many ways to help Texas recover from the devastation brought on by Hurricane Harvey. The stories are amazing! CBP has posted stories and [...]

What’s up with the ACE Post Release Deployments? Get the latest here.

As a follow up to our June 27th, 2017 blog, announcing the delay of CBP’s July 8th ACE post release deployments, which was a follow up to our June 9th, 2017 blog announcing CBP’s deployment of ACE post release, which [...]


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