CustomsNow Blog

CPSC begins to integrate with ACE

The September Trade Support Network (TSN) monthly meeting featured speakers from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and our own Nic Adams, VP Client Services for CustomsNow, was there.  The CPSC representatives announced that in late Fall, 2019, they will [...]

Additional 301 tariffs start September 1st

The U.S. puts in place the latest tariff increase – here’s what you need to know… As announced on August 30th, 2019 in a Notice of Modification of Action from the Office of the United States Trade Representatives, additional 301 [...]

FY2020 CBP increases MPF min and max amount

According to CBP, due to inflation the minimum and maximum amount for MPF (Merchandise Processing Fee) for CBP fiscal year 2020 will change starting October 1st. The MPF ad valorem rate of 0.3464% will not change, however the minimum and [...]

US to delay some tariff increases

On August 13, 2019, it was announced that the US is delaying imposing tariffs on over $300 billion dollars of imports from China until Dec 15th because of “health, safety, national security and other factors” according to The Washington Post [...]

Acting CBP Commissioner resigns

Today, American Shipper published in their Daily Digital Magazine, the news that acting CBP Commissioner, John Sanders, is resigning effective July 5th, 2019. Acting Commissioner Sanders was in his role for 2 1/2 months. According to various news reports, President [...]

How are companies are softening the Trump tariff blows?

Facing the onslaught of President Trump’s China Tariffs, importers are having to get creative in order to minimize the impact these higher duty rates will have on their goods.  Foreign Trade Zone / Bonded Warehouse / Tariff Engineering Foreign Trade [...]

Changes to interest rate calculations for reconciliation

Changes published today in CBP Admin Message CSMS# 19-000310 Interest Rates for Reconciliation Effective July 2019, CBP will no longer publish on the quarterly interest rates for Reconciliation. Filers can find the quarterly rates on the website by [...]

To which CEE do you belong?

U.S. Customs Centers of Excellence and Expertise, aka “CEEs” are Customs way to better align with modern business practices. Whether or not you are currently engaged with your CEE, Importers are already assigned to one. Ever wonder how to find [...]